วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Challenge timaeus22222 - Sword Trouble

This challenge was from lebron23jordan2. Challenge #29: Beat ColonelSP. 1. No parts in your navi customizer. 2. No megachips. 3. No chips over 100. 4. No gigachips. 5. Can only get hit twice. 6. No PAs. 7. No crosses or beastout. Colonel is getting so annoyed that he keeps losing to Megaman. He deprived him of everything except his buster and standard chips with a power of 100 or less. Will Megaman survive? 1: too easy. 2: pretty easy. 3: meh, not too hard. 4: Geez this is hard! 5: Wayy too hard! It took a lot of tries! Any rating above 5: Too hard! I'm never doing this again! O_O My Rating: 1/5 - too easy! So many restrictions like these means I don't have much to worry about. These restrictions weren't hard to obey. :)

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