วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Monster Jam - Philly Smash It - Cheesesteak RV - 6/12/10

The fans voted on what they wanted to see smashed and the winner was a giant Cheesesteak RV! Monster Jam is the world's largest and most famous monster truck tour featuring the biggest names in monster trucks including Grave Digger®, Maximum Destruction®, Monster Mutt®, El Toro Loco®, Captain's Curse® and Blue Thunder®. Monster Jam performs to the delight of families with three elements to every show -- the pit party, racing, and freestyle. 125 tour stops and 325+ performances make up the Monster Jam tour that also features a large consumer products division and retail presence. Two world champions are crowned each year at the Monster Jam World Finals in Las Vegas -- the racing world champion and the freestyle world champion. Monster Jam can be seen on SPEED Channel. Monster Jam® is the hottest edge-of-your-seat, live motor sports property on the planet and largest touring family show in North America! These stadium and arena events blow the roof off traditional motor sports racing, as 1500 HP monster trucks fly 30 feet in the air, flattening anything in their path. Monster Jam® events are an electrified, entertaining atmosphere with a variety of specialty acts and events.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Cummins Onan Energy Command EC-30W - How to Install

Worry-Free Control of Your Power Systems - Starts and stops the generator as required to maintain battery health - Will only start the generator if shorepower is NOT present - Automatic generator turn on to meet air conditioning demands if coach gets too hot - Wireless - RV owners can install themselves Introducing the newest RV power generation solution -- Energy Command™ AutoStart . The EC-30W is the first autostart system specifically designed for RV owners to install themselves. This provides worry-free control for most Cummins Onan diesel, gas, or LP generators. While high-end diesel RVs have added autostart as a factory option in recent years, most RVers who could use an autostart system on their existing RV dont have one. Because the EC-30W is wireless, the average RV owner can install it on their own without paying for installation. At the same time, the EC-30W maintains several features that are unique to the Energy Command family

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Ezel 53.Bölüm Ezel Dayak Sahnesi

Ezel 53.Bölüm Ezel Dayak Sahnesi

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วันอังคารที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Delay: Boss DD-3 + Line 6 DL4 + TC Electronic Nova Delay: 'Magnum Opus' by Vinyl Future

'Airport Syndrome' EP by Vinyl Future available to buy from iTunes and other major digital download sites, use the following links: itunes.apple.com or www.amazon.co.uk Vinyl Future Myspace: www.myspace.com Detailed video information below, please read: DEMONSTRATION: Multiple Delays - Boss DD-3 + TC Electronic Nova Delay + Line 6 DL4 (in that order in the effects chain) SETTINGS: Boss DD-3 - Basic digital delay repeats Nova Delay - Reverse delay Line 6 DL4 - High repeats for wash out effect ADDITIONAL PEDALS: Boss PH-3, Boss RV-5, Gig Rig Pro 14 AMP: Hiwatt Lead 100 Head CAB: Mesa Boogie Recto 2x12 GUITAR: Les Paul Standard SONG: 'Magnum Opus' by Vinyl Future This is a demonstration of the three delay pedals on my floorboard used in conjunction with one another. The Boss DD-3 is used for a standard digital delay 1/4 note repeat. The TC Electronic Nova Delay is placed after the DD-3 in the signal path and is set to a reverse delay with added modualtion. The Line 6 DL4 comes next in the signal path and is set to 'Digital delay with modualtion' with very high repeats to add a layer of atmospheric drone under the other guitar parts. I also use a Boss CE-5 Chorus pedal and Boss RV-5 Reverb pedal. The effects pedals and amplifiers are controlled via a Gig Rig Pro 14. The Pro 14 is a floorbased switching system that allows unparalleled control of your amplifiers and stomp boxes. Check out www.thegigrig.com for more details on the Gig Rig Pro 14. 0.00 - 0.44: CE-5 + RV-5 only ...

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Polaris 4X4 Magnum Braking Ice Ride

cool always having a good time on the wheeler and now ready to take it to pissers shop to get the plow on , check out our website at theoutlawvideoss.webs.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Cholesterol Conspiracy - The Truth About Statins And Nutritional Supplementation

"All truth passes through three stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

(1788 - 1860)

What is the true cause of heart disease, and how can we truly reduce the risk of death?

Atherosclerosis, or Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), is the leading cause of death in both men and women. In the U.S. alone, there are more than one million heart attacks every year, one third of them resulting in death. The majority of men and women currently have, or are actively developing, atherosclerosis. By age 20, most people already have a 15-25% narrowing of their arteries due to plaque formation. By age 40, there is a 30-50% clogging of their arteries.

In the beginning of the Twentieth Century, congestive heart disease (CHD) was mostly a result of rheumatic fever, which was a childhood disease. However by the year 1936 there was a dramatic change in the main cause of heart disease. Cardiovascular disease caused by atherosclerosis, or plaque buildup, took first place as the primary cause of heart disease, making congestive heart failure a distant second.

During the 1950's, the autopsies conducted on men who died of heart disease that revealed plaque-clogged arteries concluded that cholesterol was the cause of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and coronary artery disease. Cholesterol, not calcium, was considered the "cause" of heart disease, despite plaque consisting of 95% calcium and a relatively small percentage of cholesterol. By 1956 there were 600,000 deaths annually from heart disease in the U.S. Of those 600,000, 90% were caused by atherosclerosis, or clogged arteries. In fewer than 25 years, the number one cause of death in the U.S. had changed dramatically ...from congestive heart disease to coronary artery disease.

Because cholesterol was dubbed the "cause" of atherosclerosis, the effort to lower cholesterol by any means began in earnest. Both the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry seized upon this opportunity to cash in on a cholesterol-lowering campaign by creating foods and drugs that would supposedly save lives. Diets, such as the Prudent Diet, were established to lower the amount of cholesterol intake from food. There was no doubt that both polyunsaturated oils and drugs reduced cholesterol, but by 1966 it was also apparent that lowering cholesterol did not translate into a reduced risk of death from heart disease.

As there was so much money to be made from pharmaceutical development, the campaign to produce cholesterol-lowering drugs kicked into high gear, despite the lack of evidence showing that the lowering cholesterol reduced the risk of untimely death from heart disease.

Heart disease kills 725,000 Americans annually, with women accounting for 2/3 or nearly 500,000 of those deaths. After thirty years of cholesterol-lowering medications' failure to significantly lower the death rate from cardiovascular disease, in 1987 a new and more dangerous class of drugs was unleashed upon the world: the "statin" drugs. Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are now the standard of care that physicians are indoctrinated into prescribing to reduce cardiovascular disease. Are statin drugs the best way to prevent heart attacks and death?

Before 1936 the most common type of heart disease was congestive heart disease (CHD). It rarely caused sudden death and could be treated with the drug digitalis. The incidence of CHD remained stable until 1987, after which the incidence of the disease skyrocketed. Interestingly, the timing of the increased incidence of congestive heart disease coincides with the introduction of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. Could cholesterol-lowering statin drugs have something to do with the weakening of heart muscles and the increased incidence of congestive heart failure? We will see that lowering the body's co-enzyme Q10 levels, a side effect of statin drugs, does indeed increase the risk of muscle damage, including the muscles of the heart.

Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized primarily by inflammation of the arterial lining caused by oxidative damage from homocysteine, a toxic amino acid intermediary found in everyone. Homocsyteine, in combination with other free radicals and toxins, oxidizes arteries, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, which in turn releases C Reactive Protein (CRP) from the liver-a marker of an inflammatory response within the arteries. Inflammation (oxidation) is the beginning of plaque buildup and ultimately, cardiovascular disease. Plaque, combined with the thickening of arterial smooth muscles, arterial spasms, and clotting, puts a person at a high risk of suffering heart attack or stroke.

For years, doctors have hyper-focused on cholesterol levels. First it was the total cholesterol; later the focus became the ratio of "good" HDL cholesterol to "bad" LDL cholesterol. In other words, how much of your cholesterol was good, and how much was bad? Of the two, the important parameter is the level of HDL cholesterol, not LDL cholesterol. HDL, or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, is responsible for clearing out the LDL cholesterol that sticks to arterial walls. Exercise, vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants, particularly the bioflavonoid and olive polyphenol antioxidants, increase HDL cholesterol levels and protect the LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage, and therefore do more to reduce the risk of heart disease than any medication ever could.

There is nothing inherently bad about LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is critical to maintain life. LDL cholesterol only becomes "bad" when it is damaged, or oxidized by free radicals. Only the damaged, or oxidized form of LDL cholesterol sticks to the arterial walls to initiate the formation of plaque.

Let us look towards cigarette smoking for a simple example demonstrating that we really need to reduce oxidized LDL cholesterol to prevent atherosclerosis, as opposed to indiscriminately lowering LDL cholesterol with statin drugs. Everyone knows that cigarette smoking increases the risk of many chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Smokers with normal levels of LDL cholesterol are at an even greater risk of developing heart disease than a non-smoker who has elevated levels of LDL cholesterol. Of course the reason why a smoker with normal levels of LDL cholesterol is at greater risk of disease is because his LDL gets excessively oxidized.

Cigarette smoke releases so many toxins and free radicals that the LDL cholesterol, the triglycerides, and the arterial walls are extensively oxidized. Homocysteine levels are also increased by cigarette smoking which further oxidizes LDL cholesterol and the arterial lining. Oxidation is the initiating cause of atherosclerosis. Therefore, the more and longer one smokes, the more oxidative damage he sustains and the greater his risk of developing heart disease. The degree of oxidation directly corresponds to the risk of heart disease.

If you are not taking vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants then your LDL cholesterol is being oxidized, it is sticking to your arterial walls, and you ARE developing heart disease EVEN IF YOUR CHOLESTEROL LEVELS ARE NORMAL! LDL cholesterol starts sticking to arterial walls before the age of 5.

Among the many free radicals that damage cholesterol, triglycerides and the arterial lining is homocysteine, a toxic intermediate biochemical produced during the conversion of the amino acid methionine into another important amino acid, cysteine. Both methionine and cysteine are non-toxic, but homocysteine is very toxic to the lining of the arterial endothelium. Homocysteine oxidizes LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and the arterial lining.

Homocysteine is an amino acid normally produced in small amounts from the amino acid methionine. The normal role of homocysteine in the body is to control growth and support bone and tissue formation. However a problem arises when homocysteine levels in the body are elevated, causing excessive damage to LDL cholesterol, as well as to arteries. Furthermore, homocysteine actually stimulates growth of arteriosclerotic plaque, which leads to heart disease.

Thyroid hormone controls the level of homocysteine, but numerous factors play a role in the elevation of homocysteine. Normal aging, kidney failure, smoking, some medications, and industrial toxins all elevate homocysteine levels. Interestingly, estrogen helps lower homocysteine.

Homocysteine becomes elevated in the blood with a deficiency of the B vitamins-B6, B12 and folic acid. Genetics also play a role. About 12% of the population has an undetected defect requiring higher levels of folic acid than the rest of population to help maintain homocysteine levels in a safe range (below 6.5). Therefore if you have high homocysteine levels (> 7.0) even though you are taking supplemental B complex vitamins, then you may be among the 12% who need more than 1000 mcg of folic acid per day. In addition, betaine, also known as trimethylglycine (TMG) lowers homocysteine.

Homocysteine is second only to cigarette smoking in its oxidative destruction. It causes small nicks or tears in the arterial lining, while also oxidizing and damaging LDL cholesterol. The damaged, or oxidized LDL cholesterol sticks to the homocysteine-damaged areas of the arterial lining. The combination of oxidized LDL cholesterol and a damaged arterial lining is what causes LDL cholesterol to stick to the arteries, whether or not the LDL cholesterol level is normal.

Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are the standard for treating high cholesterol. This is dogma, and anyone who states otherwise is committing medical heresy. Many people find it hard to believe that pharmaceutical companies could ever succeed in paying medical researchers, medical associations, and doctors to recommend something detrimental to our health.

Most people do not know that pharmaceutical companies fund medical institutions, medical education, medical conferences, and still reward doctors and research institutions for providing favorable results on their drugs. Likewise, pharmaceutical companies often suppress negative results from studies done on their drugs. Money has the power to sweep negative results and serious side effects under the rug. Money has the power to influence the FDA to decide which drugs make it to market and which drugs become the "standard" of treatment.

Former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Dr. Marcia Angell, warned of the problem of commercializing scientific research in her outgoing editorial titled "Is Academic Medicine for Sale?" Angell called for stronger restrictions on pharmaceutical stock ownership and other financial incentives for researchers. She said that growing conflicts of interest were tainting science, warning "When the boundaries between industry and academic medicine become as blurred as they are now, the business goals of industry influence the mission of medical schools in multiple ways." She did not discount the benefits of research but said, "a Faustian bargain" now existed between medical schools and the pharmaceutical industry. Angell left the NEJM in June 2000 and has written a book, "The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It."

Two years later, in June 2002, the NEJM announced that it was going to begin accepting articles that were written by biased researchers, as there weren't enough unbiased researchers left to write articles. In other words, most research institutions were now funded by one or more of the numerous pharmaceutical companies.

An ABC report noted that a survey of clinical trials revealed that when a drug company did not fund a study, favorable results regarding a drug were found only 50% of the time. In studies funded by drug companies favorable results about the drugs were reported an amazing 90% of the time. Money can and does buy the desired results. This is how most medical research and drugs are now developed and brought to market.

In 1977, the internationally-renowned heart surgeon, Dr. Michael DeBakey pointed out that only 30-40% of people with blocked arteries and heart disease have elevated blood cholesterol levels, and posed the logical question, "How do you explain the other 60-70%?"

Because lowering cholesterol did not reduce the risk of death from heart disease, the Cholesterol Consensus Conference in 1984 developed new guidelines to lower the "acceptable level" of cholesterol. High cholesterol would now be the diagnosis for any man or woman with a cholesterol level over 200. Doctors had to convince their patients that they had the disease and needed to take one or more expensive drugs for the rest of their lives.

However, when lowering total cholesterol levels below 200 did not translate into saving lives from heart attacks, the focus then turned to LDL cholesterol levels. The "disease" of high cholesterol was refined to the disease of high LDL cholesterol. The unfortunate patient who had an LDL cholesterol level above 130 was now condemned to a lifetime of expensive drugs. Though completely illogical, even when a person with normal LDL cholesterol levels suffered a heart attack, he would still be prescribed a cholesterol-lowering drug.

As we shall see, statin drugs reduce the risk of death by repeat heart attacks by as much as 30%, but interestingly enough, the mechanism of action in reducing the risk of death after a heart attack is not via statin drugs' ability to lower cholesterol! It has been discovered that statin drugs have a modest anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Yet, there are many natural antioxidants that reduce inflammation and oxidation of LDL cholesterol and the lining of the arteries, which may soon be discovered to be more effective in reducing the risk of death than "antioxidant drugs," without toxic side effects.

The myth that high LDL cholesterol is the primary cause of heart disease, and that we must be on drugs to protect ourselves is dispelled by the evidence. If the premise were true that people with high levels of LDL cholesterol get heart disease, then we could assume that people with normal levels of LDL should not get heart disease, or at least very few should get it. However, as Dr. DeBakey observed, approximately 60% of those who die from heart disease have normal LDL cholesterol levels!

Furthermore, after over 45 years of doctors prescribing cholesterol-lowering drugs, heart disease and stroke still remain the number one cause of death in both women and men. This says that regardless of whether you have a high or a normal level of cholesterol, you have a 50% chance of dying from heart disease. If this is so, and it is, then why take a dangerous drug to attempt to lower your cholesterol in the first place?

In 2001, the target level of LDL cholesterol was lowered from 130 to 100, and overnight the number of people considered to be candidates for cholesterol statin drugs doubled. Many people such as myself bristled at the news, because we knew the effectiveness of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in preventing and reversing heart disease. Many of us could see the conspiracy for what it was.

The level at which LDL cholesterol is considered normal has continually been influenced by pharmaceutical companies, who pull the financial strings of research grants that keep medical schools and medical organizations in business. The lower they can establish the level at which LDL cholesterol is considered to be normal, the more people automatically become victims of the dreaded disease of "high cholesterol." Therefore, more people will be persuaded that they need to be taking a statin drug, and voilà, more profit for the manufacturers. When you consider the size of the profits already received, let alone the potential profit from statin drugs over the next several years, the cholesterol conspiracy is one of the largest money making schemes ever perpetrated on the world.

In July 2004, the level of LDL cholesterol considered normal underwent another change. The new norm plunged from 100 to 70, virtually doubling again the number of people who are "infected" with the plague of high cholesterol. Why, it's the epidemic of our time! Many enlightened people howled at this news, wondering if the masses would ever wake up and see who is behind this, and why. Why is the medical establishment ignoring the thousands of published medical studies that show the beneficial effects of nutritional supplements against heart disease? Why is the medical establishment down-playing the dangerous and deadly side effects of statin drugs?

The "updated" LDL cholesterol recommendations were published in the July 2004 issue of the American Heart Association's publication, Circulation. A panel from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health, which is endorsed by the American College of Cardiology, and the American Heart Association, were the ones who actually pronounced the new cholesterol level at which drugs should be prescribed. Sounds pretty official and reliable if these powerful medical institutions are backing up these recommendations, right?

The fact is eight of the nine panel members making the new LDL cholesterol recommendations were being paid by the statin-producing pharmaceutical companies. The panelists did not disclose their financial conflict of interest. This information was uncovered by Newsday, a Long Island, New York
newspaper (D. Ricks and R. Robins, Newsday, July 15, 2004). Seven of the nine panelists have financial connections to Pfizer, the makers of Lipitor®. Five of the nine served as "consultants" to Pfizer. So, what did the other two panelists do to deserve their money? Seven of the nine panelists also received money from Merck, the producers of Zocor®, with four of them serving as "consultants" to the company. Eight of the panelists who made the recommendations that would increase the prescribing of statin drugs have received either research grants or honoraria from Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Glaxo Smith Kline, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, and many other drug companies that produce statin drugs.

You would think that with all the advertising and recommendations from medical experts on the benefits of statin drugs, the medical community would possess overwhelming evidence that the drugs reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. A hint of some of the smoke and mirrors in the pharmaceutical companies' advertising can be seen in their TV commercials. Read carefully the small print on some of Crestor's® commercial advertising. Their commercial states how much it lowers LDL cholesterol. However, in the same ad you can read, "...Crestor® has not been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease or heart attack." If so, then why take it? Isn't the bottom line to prevent death?

The system for reporting adverse effects from medications is tremendously flawed, so much so that many people are seriously harmed or killed by some medications before they are finally removed from the market. Most doctors do not know what symptoms or effects are due to the drug, what should be reported, or even to whom to report adverse effects. They assume that the research that went into developing the drug has already identified all the effects and that a drug brought to market is "safe." However, only one in twenty side effects is ever reported to either hospital administrators or the FDA.

Statin drugs block cholesterol production in the body by inhibiting the enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase in the early steps of its synthesis in the mevalonate pathway. Cholesterol is one of three end products in the mevalonate chain. This same biosynthetic pathway is also used to create co-enzyme Q10, or co-Q10, as well as dilochol. Therefore, one unfortunate consequence of statin drugs is the unintentional inhibition of both Co-Q10 and dilochol synthesis.

The drug information insert of a statin drug states that it lowers co-enzyme Q10 levels. Most doctors have forgotten their biochemistry class in medical school, and forgotten about the importance of Co-Q10. Therefore they apparently are not concerned about such a statement on the drug labeling information sheet. They may even reassure their patients that lowering Co-Q10 is nothing to worry about, but at the same time warn them that the drug may cause liver damage and to have their liver enzymes checked every three to six months to make sure the drug isn't killing them. They do not realize that it is the depletion of Co-Q10 that leads to liver damage and death.

Ubiquinone, or co-enzyme Q10, is a critical cellular nutrient created in the cell's mitochondria, the "engines" that produce energy for the cell. Mitochondria use sugar, oxygen, and water to produce energy molecules known as ATP. Without ATP cells could do nothing. Damaged tissues could not be repaired. Cells could not divide or produce or utilize proteins, enzymes, or hormones. Death of cells, and indeed of the human body would occur if ATP could no longer be produced and utilized. Co-Q10 functions within the mitochondria as an electron carrier to cytochrome oxidase, our main respitory enzyme, which helps turn oxygen and sugar into energy. The heart requires high levels of oxygen, sugar, and Co-Q10 since it utilizes a lot of energy. A form of Co-Q10 called ubiquinone is found in all cell membranes, where it plays a role in maintaining membrane integrity, so critical to nerve conduction and muscle contraction. Co-Q10 is also vital for the formation of elastin and collagen, which make up the connective tissues of the skin, musculature, and the cardiovascular system.

The most common side effect of statin drugs is muscle pain and weakness. In fact, many patients who start on the statin drugs almost immediately notice generalized fatigue and muscle weakness. This is due to the depletion of Co-Q10 needed to support muscle function. Dr. Beatrice Golomb of San Diego, California, is currently conducting a series of studies on statin side effects. The pharmaceutical industry insists that only 2-3% of patients get muscle aches and cramps, when in fact in one study, Golomb found that 98% of patients taking Lipitor®, and one-third of the patients taking Mevacor® (a lower dose statin), suffered noticeable to significant muscle problems.

Some people on statin drugs lose coordination of their muscles. Some develop pain in their muscles, some are not able to write due to loss of fine motor skills. Many lose the strength to exercise. Others are falling more frequently as their muscles give out, still others have trouble sleeping due to muscle cramping and twitching. Even worse, many people are experiencing most of these side effects. The problems are so numerous, it is difficult to list all the symptoms people might experience. These problems do not come from the "disease" of high cholesterol, but the disease of ignorance in prescribing these drugs.

As we age, Co-Q10 levels decline naturally. From the age of 20 to 80, Co-Q10 levels fall by nearly 50%. Along with the natural decline of Co-Q10, comes a natural decrease in energy and an increase in the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. If the natural decline of Co-Q10 levels increases the risk of fatigue, cancer, heart disease, and stroke, would it not make sense that accelerating the decline of Co-Q10 levels with statin drugs would have the same effect? They do indeed!

Demonstrating the importance of Co-Q10 to cardiovascular health, in a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study of people either taking or not taking statin drugs, supplementation with Co-Q10 reduced the risk of heart attacks and death in those with heart disease and prior heart attacks by 50%, regardless of whether they were on a statin drug or not. (Singh R, Neki N, Kartikey K, et al. Effect of coenzyme Q10 on risk of atherosclerosis in patients with recent myocardial infarction. Mol Cell Biochem. 2003 Apr; 246(1-2):75-82.)

Additionally, Co-Q10 was shown to increase blood levels of vitamin E and significantly increase the levels of protective HDL. As low HDL is a major risk factor for heart disease, increasing it is a definite benefit. Statin drugs were shown not to provide any benefit beyond that of supplementing with Co-Q10. Let me make this clear - in this study only the co-enzyme Q10 provided any benefit, not the drugs!

Cardiologist Dr. Peter Langsjoen of East Texas University reported the effects of Lipitor® among 20 patients who started with completely normal hearts. After six months on a low dose of 20 mg of Lipitor® per day, two thirds of the patients started to show signs of heart failure, as seen by abnormalities in the heart's filling phase. According to Dr. Langsjoen, this malfunction is due to Co-Q10 depletion. Nine controlled trials using statin drugs in humans have been conducted thus far. Eight of these showed significant statin-induced Co-Q10 depletion leading to a decline in left ventricular function and other biochemical imbalances.

In the United States, the incidence of heart attacks over the past ten to fifteen years has declined slightly. But congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy have risen alarmingly. Is it a coincidence that statin drugs were first marketed in 1987, and then from 1989 to 1997, deaths from congestive heart failure more than doubled? 38 It scares me that virtually all patients with heart failure are put on statin drugs, even if their cholesterol is already low. In my opinion, the worst thing to do for a failing heart is take a statin drug. The best thing is to take is a full range of quality nutritional supplements, ...vitamins, minerals, fish oil, and other antioxidants, including Co-Q10.

Various antioxidants work synergistically, each contributing to the fight against free radicals in different areas and in different ways. In the blood stream, water-soluble antioxidants, such as vitamin C, and grape seed extract come in contact with and neutralize free radicals before they damage LDL-cholesterol. Other antioxidants saturate arterial walls and other tissues, and protect collagen and elastic fibers from free radical damage, reducing inflammation and plaque formation. The fat-soluble antioxidants, vitamin E, beta carotene, and co-enzyme Q10 ride along in the blood fat (triglycerides) and LDL cholesterol, protecting them and the endothelium from oxidation. Vitamin E sits on the surface of LDL cholesterol, protecting it from free radical damage. Beta carotene, grape seed extract and olive extract penetrate deeper inside the LDL cholesterol and arterial walls, adding more protection from oxidation. Quercetin and alpha lipoic acid work through nitrous oxide pathways to reduce high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease.

A report published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2005 looked at 97 double-blind controlled studies comparing the efficacy of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to fish oil. They found that cholesterol-lowering statin drugs reduced the risk of death from heart disease by only 13%, and
interesting enough it was NOT due to the effect of lowering cholesterol. The benefits, although small, were derived from the fact that statin drugs have a slight antioxidant effect.

Even more interesting, the salmon oil was shown to reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 23%, nearly double the benefit of statin drugs. Salmon oil is an omega-3 fatty acid that gets incorporated into cholesterol and triglycerides and prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Since LDL cholesterol is protected from excessive oxidation there is less plaque buildup and less risk of heart disease.

Inflammation is a well-known component in the formation of atherosclerosis. To keep it simple, think of inflammation and oxidation as the same process. The immune system's response to inflammation is to
release peroxides that act like acid to break down damaged tissues, so that cells from the immune system, macrophages, can consume the molecules and clean up the site. But peroxides escalate the oxidation/inflammation process, thus damaging more tissue. The arterial walls become more inflamed, escalating the formation of plaque and scarring. The downward cycle continues until atherosclerosis is so advanced that the occurrence of a heart attack or stroke becomes imminent.

The liver's response to inflammation is to release C reactive protein (CRP) into the blood. Other inflammatory causes can cause elevated CRP levels, including cigarette smoking, obesity, insulin insensitivity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, infections, dementia, colorectal cancer, high blood pressure, and aging. Accordingly, elevated CRP levels are a direct indication of inflammation in the body and that atherosclerosis, including heart disease, is actively developing.

Homocysteine and high sensitivity CRP levels can and should be tested. Dr. Jialal, of the Universtity of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas, is well known for his research correlating oxidized LDL cholesterol as the true cause of atherosclerosis, has also identified high sensitivity C reactive protein as a predictive risk factor for inflammation of arterial walls and plaque formation. Your doctor may not test for these routinely, but you should insist on getting these tests done. Both of these predictive values can be kept at "safe" levels. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids can lower the levels of homocysteine and CRP. The B vitamins, along with betaine, or tri-methyl-glycine (TMG), change homocysteine into safer amino acids and reduce inflammation of the LDL cholesterol and the arterial lining.

When you receive the results of your homocysteine test, do not accept the answer, "Your test was normal." Ask for the actual number. The doctor and nurse usually know what is normal by what the lab slip states as the "normal range." Most lab results report a normal homocysteine level as being below 10.4, when in fact, since the early 1990's, researchers have known that a homocysteine count above 6.5 signals a rapid linear rise in the risk for heart disease.

Furthermore, with every 3 point elevation of homocysteine above 6.5, e.g., when homocysteine levels are 9.5, the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) rises by an additional 35%! Yet you may be told that 9.5 is "normal and not to worry." With a homocysteine level of 12.5, the increase in the
risk for heart disease exceeds 70%. The greater the homocysteine level, the greater the oxidation
of both LDL cholesterol and the arterial lining. The greater the inflammation, the higher the CRP. Is it any wonder that homocysteine and CRP levels are more predictive for risk of heart disease than cholesterol levels and ratios?

I need to emphasize that anyone whether they have a medical problem or not, should discuss this information with their physician before acting upon anything written here. The information provided is not meant to diagnose or treat any disease. It is for informational purposes only; and no one should make decisions about their medications without consulting with their physician. No one should come off a cholesterol-lowering statin drug in lieu of nutritional supplements without a thorough discussion with their physician who is keenly aware of all the pros and cons of both treatment modalities.

In summary, I recommend a full spectrum of quality nutritional supplements, along with a healthy diet and exercise, to help obtain and maintain optimal heart and arterial health. I believe all would agree that lifestyle changes are the most important factor for optimal health, ...and many believe that quality nutritional supplements are key in protecting against the process that leads to, and accelerates the development of almost all chronic degenerative diseases, that of oxidation. To combat oxidation we need a full range of quality antioxidants.


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Tips For Buying Motor Homes From Craigslist

Are you looking for a new or used motor home? Although you have many buying choices, Craigslist.org is a great place to get started. This popular classified website has many for sale products listed, including RVs.

Buying a motor home from Craigslist is relatively easy, but there are some things you want to keep in mind.

Always remember that you are buying a vehicle. This is an expensive purchase. The same rules that apply to buying a new or used car apply here too. Set up a meeting to inspect or test drive the home, get an estimated value figure online, gather as much information from the seller as possible, and so forth.

Search more than just your local city on Craigslist. A good motor home is worth driving for, even four hours or more, especially if you get a great deal. Unfortunately, Craigslist.org is city based. You can only search one city page at a time. This means it could take you hours to examine all for sale RVs in just a 4 hour radius. Avoid the hassle by downloading a Craigslist search tool, which allows you to search multiple cities at once!

Don't agree to purchase a motor home until have you have seen it with your own eyes. In fact, do more. Inspect the RV and test drive it yourself. The only exception is if you know you are buying a work in progress, such as a motor home that needs repairs to run. Not all Craigslist sellers are honest. All information, especially for expensive purchases, should be verified first.

Don't agree to shipping, especially if the seller brings it up right away. There are vehicle shipping and transport companies that will relocate a vehicle across the country for you. This sounds great, but there are some risks. Many scammers use this approach to take your money. It is best to verify with your own eyes that the RV actually exists. Many frauds use pictures taken from the internet to make it seem like they have a vehicle, but they really don't. What they do though is take your money and run.

See Also : Buy Best Price

Challenge timaeus22222 - Sword Trouble

This challenge was from lebron23jordan2. Challenge #29: Beat ColonelSP. 1. No parts in your navi customizer. 2. No megachips. 3. No chips over 100. 4. No gigachips. 5. Can only get hit twice. 6. No PAs. 7. No crosses or beastout. Colonel is getting so annoyed that he keeps losing to Megaman. He deprived him of everything except his buster and standard chips with a power of 100 or less. Will Megaman survive? 1: too easy. 2: pretty easy. 3: meh, not too hard. 4: Geez this is hard! 5: Wayy too hard! It took a lot of tries! Any rating above 5: Too hard! I'm never doing this again! O_O My Rating: 1/5 - too easy! So many restrictions like these means I don't have much to worry about. These restrictions weren't hard to obey. :)

Friends Link : หมวดงานระบบประปาและดับเพลิง วิศวกรรมโยธา

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Happy Wheels - The Madness Ends - Part 2

The Rest Of The Story. Thumbs it up. :D

Thanks To : Civil Engineer

Jesse Watson - Chicken Lights And Chrome Video

Music by Jesse Watson......"Chicken Lights and Chrome" can be Downloaded on iTunes.com, Amazon.com, and Tunecore media widget!. Pics and clips of my trucking buddies and I doing what we love! I am blessed to have the best friends in the world! I do not own or claim any rights to this song. Just a great trucking tune I wanted to share for others to enjoy! This song is by Jesse Watson and can be purchased at itunes.com. Thanks Jesse, we love it!

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วันอังคารที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Honda Fit Sport Review

The Smoking Tire heads out to Adams Motorsports Park with the gold standard of small cars: The Honda Fit. We analyze the name literally: How much will it fit? and How Sporty is it?

See Also : เล่นเกมส์ออนไลน์ Civil Engineering

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Oil-Based Lubricants

There are many different kinds of lubricants on the open market, both online and offline. Oil based lubricants are one of the kinds to consider; it's fairly common and there are many different kinds to choose from. Oil based lubricants have many advantages, but also some things to keep in mind, so you may want to consider these points before deciding on this form of lubricant for your sexual encounters.


• Oil based lubricants nowadays tend to made from natural ingredients such as shea butter and sunflower oil which means that you're not handling your most intimate parts with chemicals! Organic ingredients also mean that you're being nice to the environment as well as to your sweetie as there is less chance of side effects and reactions.

• They can be used in water without fear of them rinsing away or being damaged.

• They can be used with many sex toys without causing damage to the toys. But do make sure to read the labels both on the toy and on the oil to be sure; some toys are more sensitive than others.

• They can be used with SOME condoms safely; be sure to read the label and use condoms made from plastic, not latex.

• The good ones add to pleasure rather than detract by being smooth, warm, and not sticky!


• Latex condoms and oil based lubricants don't mix. Never use oil lubricant with latex as it will weaken the latex and you could end up with an accident! You should also never use oil lubricants if you or your partner uses any latex birth control devices such as sponges and diaphragms.

• Cheap oils are sticky and gloppy rather than smooth, so be sure to shop around.

• Be careful which toys you use with oils as some toys do degrade faster.

• Be very aware of any allergies. Although the use of natural ingredients makes oil based lubricants on average more hypoallergenic, you may still have a reaction. If you're uncertain, test a bit on a covered part of your skin.

• Oil based lubrication must be washed off once you're finished because it can create a hard coating in the vagina that leads to bacteria and infections.

Oil based lubricants are some by some to be better suited towards masturbation as the use of it doesn't go well with birth control devices; however, so long as you are careful and pay close attention to what kinds of devices you're employing, you should be safe using this form of lubrication for any kind of sex.

The popularity of oil based lubricant is on the rise because it does make for a good addition to your sex arsenal. As long as you read and follow the instructions, you'll be able to enjoy this form of lubricant with no worries at all.

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Drifting Motorbike - Drift Gymkhana - Jorian Ponomareff

My Facebook Here : www.facebook.com www.jorian-ponomareff.com Production/rider/montage: Jorian Ponomareff Assistant Prod: Jerome Durand Camera: Jerome, Chris, Camille, R@ph Musiques de Parano BeatMaker sa chaine ici: www.youtube.com Merci a Loïck Bichon pour m'avoir fait découvrir Parano ! au TOP Avec la participation de Anaïs Panizzi, GRAND merci à elle :) Remerciements: TnT News / www.tnt-news.com Freegun www.freegun.fr Sartso Jeans www.sartso.com Scorpion Europe / www.scorpionsports.eu Gopro Hero / www.gopro.com 100p Coton www.100pcoton.com et tous les gens qui me soutiennent...Merci...

Recommend : สมัครงานราชการ

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Nick Heidfeld's Lap Of Nürburgring Nordschleife

On 28 April 2007, Nick Heidfeld drove a BMW Sauber F1.06 Formula One car around the Nordschleife, on a BMW publicity day in combination with a VLN 4h endurance race. For safety reasons, BMW announced that the car was slowed with hard demonstration tires, maximum ride height, and 275 km/h top speed limited by the transmission. Heidfeld drove three laps on the combined Nordschleife and short GP-track, as used in VLN races, with a track length of 24.433 km. The official lap time released by BMW Sauber was declared to be 8:34 (thus ca. 30 seconds slower than the fastest Porsche 996 turbo in VLN). The German press duly reported this lap time, yet criticized BMW. In each lap, Heidfeld slowed down once to pose for a slow video truck, at Schwedenkreuz on the first lap 1, Kesselchen in lap 2, and Döttinger Höhe in the last lap. The two time spans in between the three passes of Heidfeld were clocked by some fans around the track, first Wehrseifen to Wehrseifen in about 7:28, then 7:22 from Klostertal to Klostertal, which is over 50 seconds quicker than the fastest current Porsche 997 GT3 RSR in VLN. This translates to an average of about 200 km/h (120 mph), similar to Bellof's record, but considering the slow GP section, Heidfeld probably was faster on the Nordschleife, close to 6 minutes. Fans who respect the official record of the late Stefan Bellof settle for an "estimated 6:12". Road & Track magazine reported Heidfeld's lap was a 5:57 or 5:58 (for the Nordschleife only ...

Visit : Civil Engineering ประกาศจากทีมงาน

RV Winterizing

Summer always seems to be over far too quickly. And, as much as you would like to ignore the fact, it is very important for certain things to be taken care of and put away before the cold hard days of winter take over. Your RV is one of them. Certain things, like RV faucets, must be attended to, in order to avoid problems you'll probably not want to deal with in the future. As long as you attend correctly to your RV, preparing it for the winter, you will be able to retrieve it once again when spring rolls around, and find it in great condition for hitting the road again.

There are certain items that will need to be found in your tool belt as you endeavor to implement the preventative measures necessary for successful winterization of your RV. The first is a non-toxic RV antifreeze. Although each RV differs from the next, a good amount that should cover all of your basic needs is about 3 gallons.

You will also require a water heater by-pass kit, a water pump converter kit, and some basic hand tools that you can use to remove any drain plugs.

Your RV should contain an owner's manual which will be the best guide to caring for your vehicle in the way that is most effective. By following the guidelines outlined in that manual, you can successful check all RV faucets, appliances, heaters, pumps, and vents, and take the appropriate measures to secure them all for the winter.

Be sure to drain the water heater and the fresh water holding tank. However, be extremely careful, as the water heater should only be drained when it is not under pressure, and is not hot. Any gray and black holding tanks should also be drained and flushed, as is outlined in the manual.

You will need to open all of the RV faucets, hot and cold, including the outside shower and the toilet valve. The point is to drain out any water that might be found inside your RV. Failing to do this will result in very negative reactions to cold inside the pipes found in your RV. As the temperatures drop, water will freeze and expand, which will serve to damage a number of things inside your vehicle.

Follow the directions for using the by-pass kit with the water heater. If you do not do so, you will waste a great deal of antifreeze.

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วันอังคารที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

วันเสาร์ที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Space Center RV Park - Huntsville, Alabama

The Space and Rocket Center located at One Tranquility Base Huntsville, Alabama 35805, owns an RV Park, but from my experience it is not a widely known nor well advertised fact.  What is certainly true, however, is that if you are going to visit the Space and Rocket Center in an RV there is not a more convenient place to do so than the RV Park located adjacent to the Space Center.

From I-65 take I-565 east toward Huntsville. Use exit 15 for Madison Pike toward Sparkman Dr/Bob Wallace Ave. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Space and Rocket Center.  Keep your eyes peeled and you will see a sign directing you to the RV Park just behind the Center.  In case you miss a sign you are almost certain to see the rockets displayed outside the Space Center.

As an aside; the Space and Rocket Center is a most interesting place to visit.  In addition to their amazing collection of rockets, including the Saturn V they have several traveling exhibits scheduled.  Until September 6 the Star Wars traveling exhibit is on site.  From October 9 until January 5, 2011, the Narnia exhibit will be displayed.  For CSI fans, that exhibit will be at the Space and Rocket Center from January 21 through May 1, 2011.

The RV Park contains 27 mostly shaded sites.  If you have a satellite dish mounted on your RV you will need to let them know or you can opt for shade as we did.  There are around a dozen local, off air, channels.

The sites are paved, but the park is quite old so you might need to do a bit of leveling.  Overall the Park is well maintained with clean restrooms and showers.  The roads are narrow; however, we had no problems in our 32 foot motor home.  Wi-Fi is available for a weekly charge of $10.  They didn't explain why there is no daily rate so you will be paying $10 even if you stay only a day or two.

We paid $40 for two nights of full hookups.  The Park has 30, but no 50 AMP connections.  We experienced no problems even though the temperature was in the high 90s and the AC ran 24/7.  The RV Park, particularly in conjunction with a visit to the Space Center, is a bargain.  It should also be noted that the Botanical Gardens are located close by.

You may contact the RV Park for reservations during the business day at 256-830-4987.  There is no one on duty at night.  Check author information for a link to the Space Camp web site. 

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

atv club los coyotes

jaja ps varias caidas en cuatrimoto esta un poco largo pero esta genial jaaja veanlo

See Also : หมวดงานระบบประปาและดับเพลิง

How to Check Your Oil Level

Mix your music! Learn GarageBand in 30 Days! mhlo.co Mahalo mechanic expert Desmond Bryant shows you how to check the oil level in your vehicle. Locate Your Dipstick --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Make sure your car is on level ground and the engine is not hot to the touch before opening the hood. * Your oil dipstick will be located either to the left or right of your engine, or at the front of the engine, as indicated below. It will have a loop at the end so you can extract it with ease. The dipstick leads down to the oil pan, not the transmission.www.youtube.com Check Your Oil Level --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pull out the dipstick, wipe it off with a towel and stick it back into the oil pan. Pull it out again and look to see where the oil reaches on the dipstick. * Most dipsticks have two holes at the end - the lowest hole indicates your oil level is too low. The top hole indicates the level is too high. You want your oil level to fall somewhere in the middle of these two holes, as shown in the image below. * If your oil level is too low, you will not have enough lubrication and run the risk of blowing out the motor. If it's too high, your engine could have too much compression and blow. www.youtube.com Change Your Oil --------------------------------------------------------------------- Be sure to check out Mahalo's page on changing your oil to find out the best method to do so! Read ...

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วันอังคารที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Friction 3000 Engine Treatment

Friction Free 3000 helps restore pitted and worn bearing surfaces back to near original state, while improving gas mileage. The microscopic particles of Friction Free 3000 seek out pits, crevices, and scratches caused by friction and wear. They fill, pack, and plate the imperfect surfaces, restoring them to near- original condition. Only the imperfections are filled, and the remaining micro-metals circulate to provide superior lubrication. Causing your engine to run smoother and more efficient.

More review : โยธาไทย

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

* FREE ENERGY artist mysteriously died! Why don't we accept baptize powered cars?

PLEASE RATE, COMMENT, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE! Watch my other GREAT videos! DO SOMETHING MEANINGFUL AND BECOME A LIGHT IN THIS WORLD. DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO and any other youtube or google video quickly and easily using the FREE player from www.realplayer.com

Recommend : แนะนำจากสมาชิก

Winter the Dolphin

Quick peak of Winter the Dolphin who lost her tail in a fishing trap. Winter is being fitted with a prostethic tail.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

วันจันทร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

John Petrucci - Estiramientos y masajes

bloguitar.es Para activar los subtítulos sigue estos pasos: 1. Haz clic en el botón de "flecha hacia arriba" situado en la parte inferior derecha del reproductor de vídeo. 2. Haz clic en el botón de menú de subtítulos. Sólo se podrá hacer clic en este botón si el vídeo tiene subtítulos.

Recommend : Civil Engineer

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

2007 Montana Mountaineer at America Choice RV 352-368-2451


Visit : Civil Tip Comp. Club

วันอังคารที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

danny goodman never stops abounding part

red point skateboarding presents it's first streetskateboarding full lengthvideo. this is danny goodmans part. check out other parts from philipp guertler frank locher julian duventaester yannik duventaester justin schneider bob ummenhofer simon merz max dreher mortiz rech sandro trovato and many more

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Automotive AC Machines

As any mechanic knows, the ability to offer a comprehensive service to customers, being able to offer repairs and care for all aspects of a motor vehicle maintenance program is key to being able to retain customers. Air Conditioning is more or less standard across all models these days, and while in the past, AC maintenance was a highly skilled and niche market, it is now an essential side of the business and key to any workshop's continued success.

In order to ensure that refrigerant is recovered properly from a car's air conditioning system during servicing, a workshop must use an automotive AC machine. These devices prevent the release through venting of CFC gases. EPA guidelines require that when a car is being serviced, the Freon, or CFC12 that is used as the coolant should be collected and recycled in order that it is not released into the environment where it can potentially damage the ozone layer.

The refrigerant used in most motor vehicle air conditioning systems is based on chlorofluorocarbons, which have been linked with causing damage to the ozone layer, and as such, the control of these substances is of particular concern to the environmental protection agency. Whenever a car air conditioning system undergoes maintenance, proper care must be taken to protect the environment from the release of CFCs, and this is best done by using automotive AC Machines.

By reusing Freon gas rather than allowing it to be vented into the atmosphere, the environment is protected. However, when the refrigerant is collected from a car's air conditioning it can be contaminated with water, oil and any of the other liquids that are used in cars. By using automotive AC machines, it is possible to process the refrigerant and remove any of the other fluids from it, allowing it to be reused, either in the same system as it has been drained from, or alternatively, in another car altogether.

There are a whole range of different refrigerant recovery machines on the market to suit all types of workshop, from small operations through to large commercial garages that deal with many different types of car, and need to be able to offer a complete service to clients.

Choosing the right automotive AC machines for your needs can be a daunting task, and too many people simply opt for the cheapest model available, rather than making an informed decision about the best product for their needs. EPA requirements aside, the most important factor when choosing the correct automotive AC machine for your business, is the capacity of the machine to deal with the range of vehicles that you currently work on. You need to choose a machine that can connect easily with all the different types of car that your workshop deals with, and which has enough capacity to recover and treat the refrigerant left in the system to remove any impurities.

Basic automotive AC machines such as the Pro Set Oiless Portable Recovery Recycle Unit are flexible enough to reprocess coolant from a fairly wide range of sources, remove any contaminating oils and other liquids, and release the Freon in perfect condition for reuse.

There are other machines in a similar price bracket that are reliable enough for every day use, and yet still compact enough not to require a vast amount of space in your workshop. Automotive AC Machines such as the Inficon Vortex refrigerant recovery machine are ideally suited to occasional use, and are very compact.

If offering AC repairs and servicing is key to your business, then having the right tools for the job is essential. Getting it right at the beginning when you choose an AC coolant recovery machine often means choosing a model from the Cool Tech range. These robust and highly regarded specialist tools are at the centre of any serious AC shop, and thanks to their efficiency and great value for money, will pay for themselves over and over again.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Degrassi Junior High: Pass Tense

Degrassi kids face their final exams, and while Wheels worries that he might not pass, Joey discovers that he may have to repeat the year.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

วันอังคารที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

37685 aboriginal alpha back Jan 2005

This is 37685s first start since Jan 2005. The first attempt was called off because only 1 starter motor was working. After the other starter was fixed she still took some time to start. The popping and black smoke is us testing all cylinders are firing. It settled down nicely with 65 psi of oil pressure. BEAST!!! 37685 should be appearing on a railtour near you very soon.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Electra Glide Road King Harley Davidson Maintenance Tips 1

www.custom-choppers-guide.com An Electra Glide road king maintenance tips video. If you own a Harley Davidson motorcycle this short video might help you. In this Electra glide, road king maintenance video clip a Harley Davidson master rated mechanic shows you how to drain fluids, remove oil filter, and remove inspection cover. Go to http for more full length Harley Davidson maintenance videos DVD's and custom chopper building guides.

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SYTYCD2 - Donyelle & Benji - Viennese Waltz (Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman) [HQ]

Donyelle and Benji take on a Viennese Waltz, a very romantic sensual dance, Benji tires to be more like Dmitry, Donyelle has a hard time pronouncing the name of the dance So you think you can dance - Have you ever loved a woman

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

SYTYCD2 - Donyelle & Benji - Viennese Waltz (Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman) [HQ]

Donyelle and Benji take on a Viennese Waltz, a very romantic sensual dance, Benji tires to be more like Dmitry, Donyelle has a hard time pronouncing the name of the dance So you think you can dance - Have you ever loved a woman

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554


FIGHT HIGH HEATING OIL prices and allow to save money for other things like paying your mortgage or refinancing your home. Hope this helps:-) Note: Look T THE VIDEO RESPONSES THEY ARE VERY GOOD! This is a prototype easy to build rooftop forced air heater that produces 45 degree increases at a high CFM CFPM rate. This one is made out of cardboard. A real one can be made out of weather proof material COROPLAST. The name Coroplast applies to a wide range of extruded corrugated plastic sheet products based on polypropylene copolymers. The natural polymer is chemically inert and is generally considered non-toxic and safe for use in contact with food. The base resin meets FDA requirements as listed in Food Additive Regulation Title 21, Section 177.1520(c), Item 1.1, covering food contact uses. www.greenpowerscience.com

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วันอังคารที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

How-To Detail Your Vehicle

Chris Duke from Motorz TV www.motorz.tv shows you how to detail your vehicle inside and out using products from Mothers Polishes. Show notes: www.motorz.tv Website: www.motorz.tv Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

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Quadski - ATV and Jet Ski in one!

AMAZING AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE...available who knows when?!...now IF they will only keep the price "reasonably affordable", perhaps......Please, I want one, Santa!! Check out their website: www.aquada.com

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

102 year old Steam Tractor Runs a Lap

1907 Avery 22 hp "Contractors Special" This "Contractors Special" Avery steam traction engine was built in 1907. It is a 22 horsepower, 2 cylinder undermounted engine. It is owned by descendants of Jerome DeBacker. This engine was used around Mead, Co. until 1915 when it was purchased by Jerome DeBacker for use in threshing and plowing in the Boulder area. It was in considerable disrepair when purchased. Jerome completed many mechanical repairs before putting the engine in service. He also added some touches of his own including a Union Pacific bell and several whistles. After repairs, it was used for threshing with an Avery 36 x 60 in. "Yellow Fellow" wooden separator around the East Boulder area until being retired around 1945. It was also used for plowing in the Bennett, Co. area, pulling a 12 bottom 14 inch plow. Jerome always regretted the fact that the plow was cut up for scrap during the war. We still have the separator. It was last used on the Stuart Anderson farm in 1976 to thresh wheat. During its time the Avery also ran a sawmill, pulled a scarifier for state road work, and provided steam for a chemical company near Valmont Butte. In 1955 a group of steam enthusiasts in the Boulder- Denver area convinced Jerome to bring the engine out of retirement. It was cleaned up and minor repairs were made to get the engine operational. The boiler was retubed in 1957. In 1959 the lugs were removed from drive wheels and it was driven into Boulder for the Colorado Centennial ...

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วันเสาร์ที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Quadski - ATV and Jet Ski in one!

AMAZING AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE...available who knows when?!...now IF they will only keep the price "reasonably affordable", perhaps......Please, I want one, Santa!! Check out their website: www.aquada.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

After the Flag from Le Mans

In the latest edition of After the Flag presenter Gavin Emmett reviews the fourth round of the 2011 MotoGP World Championship, the Monster Energy Grand Prix de France.

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วันอังคารที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

RV Battery Life Expectancy

The life expectancy of your RV batteries depends on you. How they're used, how well they're maintained, how they're discharged, how they're re-charged, and how they are stored all contribute to a batteries life span. A battery cycle is one complete discharge from 100% down to about 50% and then re-charged back to 100%.

One important factor to battery life is how deep the battery is cycled each time. If the battery is discharged to 50% everyday it will last twice as long as it would if it's cycled to 80%. Keep this in mind when you consider a battery's amp hour rating. The amp hour rating is really cut in half because you don't want to completely discharge the battery before recharging it. The life expectancy depends on how soon a discharged battery is recharged. The sooner it is recharged the better.

What does all of this mean to you? That depends on how you use your RV. If most of your camping is done where you're plugged into an electrical source then your main concern is just too properly maintain your deep cycle batteries. But if you really like to get away from it all and you do some serious dry-camping you'll want the highest amp hour capacities you can fit on your RV.

Deep cycle batteries come in all different sizes. Some are designated by group size, like Group 24, 27 and 31. Basically the larger the battery the more amp hours you get. Depending on your needs and the amount of space you have available, there are several options when it comes to batteries. You can use one 12-volt Group 24 deep cycle battery that provides 70 to 85 amp hours or you can use two or more 12-volt batteries wired in parallel. Parallel wiring increases amp hours but not voltage.

If you have the room you can do what a lot of RVers do and switch from the standard 12-volt batteries to two of the larger 6-volt golf cart batteries. These pairs of 6-volt batteries need to be wired in series to produce the required 12-volts. Series wiring increases voltage but not amp hours. If this still doesn't satisfy your requirements you can build larger battery banks using four 6-volt batteries wired in series/parallel that will give you 12-volts and double your AH capacity.

Happy Camping,


Copyright 2006 by Mark J. Polk owner of RV Education 101

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motorcycle stunts

I got the music from here: www.youtube.com If you liked the old song better, you can get it yourself from audioswap - search for "With A Spirit" by 009 Sound System

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